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HASA Newsletter 201501

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 Individual Member -- Assignment & Employment  

The value of HR career is embodied in how we help drive business ahead. Today, transformations of the HR department have been taking place and deeply influenced our business models. HR has no longer been regarded as a job of simple administration. The HR department has been splited into much specialized sub-functionalities and is becoming more complicated as HR professionals need much intensive business comprehension.
However, in an era of information and exchange, business growth must rely on the wisdom of the whole industrial community. HASA enjoys its reputation and built up its reliability by its high-standard professionalism, and spirit of seriousness and neutrality. HASA helps both organizations and individuals to develop their competencies from HR perspectives.
We offer our corporate members off-line orientation to improve their skillset of HR management or specific proposals for their HR issues.
In your personal control panel, you can easily search for advisory demands requested by a company and apply for such assignments. HASA may also contact you personally to request your intention for an assignment and pay to you if your consultation is provided in this way.
Please be noted that we provide this service only to individual members who have not bound account with group account.

Featured Services
Intern & Apprentice
Employment & Advisory Tasks
On-job Coach &

Global Rotation &
Career Openings

Precise Mapping
Direct Push

Consultant Services
Provide in-house internship and apprentice programs for undergraduates and fresh gradutes to acquire on-job practice skills
Full-time employment & advisorty tasks to offer members both long-time career development and contributions to the community
Coaching and mentoring delivered by HASA alliance members and certified tutors to improve know-how about specific jobs
Assigenments / internships in a global range from both Chinese and overseas employers with more internationalized career exposure
Personalized career searching model with cloud-computing technology applied allow talents precise mapping between personal profile and openings
A responsible HR solution should not provide only on-line data, meanwhile real-person communication is significant for talents to identify the appropriate career solutions

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