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HASA Newsletter 201501

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Alliance and Partners -- Partners  

The development of HASA relies on support from HR counterparts. We build up mutual trust with companies and institutions who have proven records and experiences in HR functions, including HR services, total solutions, strategic consulting, legal services and etc.
HASA also owns wide and favorable relationship with media circle. We regard human resources management as a public wisdom applicable to the whole society, because we believe that HR management has features universally adaptable to people's life. We spread the essentials and gists of our knowledge and methodology through media and expect both HR professionals and public improve in their career and life.
HASA fully understood that human resources management should not be isolated from demands of business operations, since its mission is to serve the business. We always emphasize the significance of connection with other industrial associations. HASA has successfull initiated several important programs and events with the assistance from our partners, offering our members explore and learn more about human resources management. In addition to that, HASA also actively pursue support from government organs in terms of guidance of legal compliance of HR matters.

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