HASA was founded by 321 founding members. Since July of 2009, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Pudong Distric Municipality convened three preparation meetings with 300+ senior HR practitioners and professors participated. By May of 2010, a preparatory committee was then elected to start the official regsitration of HASA on behalf of the founding members. After one year's setup, HASA was registered in April, 2011. |
By August of 2015, HASA has a membership size of 16,000+ individual HR professional members, 48% of which sit at C-suite or D-level senior managers,26% of which are manager-levels. 90% of our members work for big multinationals and the rest of them work for Chinese big brands. |
Organizations |
HASA sets check and balance principle for expertise, operations and supervisory.
HASA STRICTLY PROHIBITS any commercialized conduct that interferes professional activities. All industrial regulations and vocational standards of HASA are established through democratic and voting procedures based on extensive collection of opinions from members, and embody the intelligence of HR industry. |
The Members’General Meeting is the top authoritative organ of HASA, consisting of all HASA members. The General Meeting achieves resolution through collective decisions.
The Council is generated through election by the Members’ General Meeting, managing daily operations on behalf of the general meeting. There set three committees under the Council: |
Committee of Expertise is the organ which is responsible for organizing and conducting all professional and academic activities of HASA, including formulating charters, rules, regulations, standards, policies to be applied in HASA. |
Executive Committee is the top executive organ of HASA, which is responsible for all day-to-day operational, organizing and executive matters, including all relevant government and legal affairs, external cooperative projects and marketing and
public relationships. |
Board of Supervisors supervises and monitors all ethical matters of HASA to assure that any activity of the association conforms with the charter, rule, regulation and policy of HASA, and is in full compliance with laws and in line with social
moral, in order to prevent all disciplinarily offensive behaviors. |
HASA Funds |
The purpose of HASA Funds is to ensure the financing for HASA healthy operation and continuous improvement.The Funds will be incorporated independently to serve HASA, capitalizing HASA member's achievements and providing financial resources to HASA;
The Funds will be held by shareholders from investors (including the natural person or the legal entity), capital generated from HASA operation and invested by HASA, and other investments. |
Codes of Ethics |
To ensure that HASA represents the interests of its members, to demonstrate HASA’s principle of “Open, Fair, Unbiased”, all operations of HASA must comply with the following codes of ethics;
If the member of HASA violates the codes of ethics, HASA reserves all rights to conduct disciplinary actions or deprive the membership, whereas if that behaviour violates the laws, HASA reserves the right to plead to the judiciary organs. |
The Principle of Legal Compliance: Any person or corporation must not take advantages of HASA or in name of HASA to act any behaviour that violates the laws, regulations and public morals. Any person or corporation shall not mail to and / or be mailed from and send to / or be sent from HASA any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, threatening the national and / or public safety or other potentially illegal materials that is against the law of the People’s Republic of China; |
The Principle of Balance: HASA protects the rights of major opinions also the minor opinions, as well as the member’s opinion who is not able to attend the meeting of HASA, and ultimately dedicates to the purpose of guaranteeing the whole interests of all its members as a whole; |
The Principle of Constraints on the Leaders: That is, while the members empower the rights to the leaders (including but not limited to the head of the governance organ and /or of any other officer or academic leader of HASA who potentially impacts on the group decision-making), the member shall reserve his or her independent rights to directly control the group affairs, without being controlled by the leader instead; |
The Principle of Majority: That is, all proposals shall come into force only agreed by at least 2/3 (Two Thirds) of the voting members; |
The Principle of Persuasion: That is, every member has the right to persuade other members to accept his or her arguments, until that argument is accepted as a common agreement or a different common agreement is agreed by all members and prevails over the individual argument. |
Mechanisms |
Based on the above five principles, HASA sets the following mechanisms: |
Separation & Check and Balance of Powers: To ensure the credibility and neutrality of professionalism and academy, meanwhile the operations of HASA should be efficient and, the investment, income and distribution of HASA should be transparent, fair and unbiased, HASA adopts the system of checks & balance, namely the separation of the expertise, executive and supervisory powers. |
Voting Mechanism: unless stipulated in HASA Charter otherwise, all votes shall be made by a participant or participants present in person or by proxy having a right to vote at the meeting, being a majority together holding not less than 60% (Sixty per cent) of the total votes giving that right, which shall form a quorum. |
Waiver of Voting Rights: To ensure the credibility and neutrality of professionalism and academy, all professional and academic activities must not be interfered by non-professional factors, HASA sets mechanism of waiving voting rights: |
No member shall be entitled to vote at any general meeting unless all moneys payable by him or her to HASA in his capacity as member, and which have been outstanding for more than 1 month after they fell due for payment, have been paid; |
The member of the Board of Supervisors must not undertake any concurrent position as the member of the Executive Committee or the member of the Committee of Expertise; |
In the event that the member having the right to vote is absent from voting, the member should exercise the voting right by a proxy in HASA with the right to vote in written form (Unless stipulated in HASA Charter otherwise). The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in the form as circumstances admit in Article and of HASA Charter. Any situation without a proxy is regarded to waiver of the voting right and is not allowed to vote on any specific meeting. |
Withdrawal of Business Strife: If the member serves HR industry as a vendor, including any industry of interest in conjunction with HASA and its members, the said member should not participate in the cooperation issue between his or her employer and HASA, neither should the member participate in any related matter between HASA and any other organization that has business competition with the organization for which the said member works for. Upon the situation prohibited described in law, the concerned member should declare the nature of his or her interest in manner required by law; |
Hearing Mechanism: To ensure the credibility and neutrality of professionalism and academy, meanwhile the investment, income and distribution of HASA should be rational and unbiased to protect the interests of all HASA members and the stake holders, based on the principle of open, fair and unbiased, HASA sets the Hearing mechanism. HASA has the rights to set the temporary Hearing Committee in charge of intermediating and arbitrating disputes between the organs of HASA and its members. |