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HASA Newsletter 201501

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HASA Newsletter 201501
HRBP与人力资源共享中心、人力资源专家共同组成了现代人力 资源管理的“三驾马车”,在组织内的作用日益明显,也 受到越来越多的重视。那么现阶段HRBP在国内的发展现状 如何呢? 中国人力资源同业公会(HASA)做了此次调研,并由易漫 学习撰写本报告。 本次调研自2014年12月起,至2015年2月截至。历经2个多 月,共有242位HR管理者参与了本次调研。本会经过逾7个月的数 据核实与校验,确保发布之数据真实可信。 8年以上HR经历者占到57.4%,超过67.4%的受访者现任人力 资源经理以上职位。其中任人力资源高经及总监以上职位者占受 访者34%。 本次调研均要求受访者提供真实的联系方式。本次调研反映 了中国HRBP(人力资源业务伙伴)这一职务的目前发展状况及未 来期许。
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HASA Newsletter 201006
The 2010 New Manpower Summit hosted by China Talent Group and co-partnered by HASA was successfully held in Shanghai, Nov. 11th, 2010. Over 1,000 participants from across the nation joined the summit. The summit organized series of speeches and round-table discussions focusing on the new HR trends for China under the global economic transition and China’s industrial reengineering.
   View on line>>     Download>>    2010-12-1 0:00:00

HASA Newsletter 201005
Announcement of the Founding of HASA Preparatory Committee Dear HASA Founding Members, As per the Announcement of Preparatory Reorganization published on May 6th, 2010, the Preparatory Office received the voluntary applications from the founding members and approved by the Preparatory Office and the nomination was published for voting from July 25th, 2010 to July 31st, 2010. Now, the following voting result is published for your information: Registered Founding Members: 314 persons Voting Founding Members: 284 persons Registered voting founding members: 255 persons Ayes: 228 persons; Waivers & Nays: 57 Persons Per the voting principle of HASA, since the registered voters have exceeded the required numbers of founding members, and the ayes have outnumbered the waivers & Nays, this session of the Preparatory Committee has come into effect since August 1st, 2010. This session of the Preparatory Committee is nominated following the below principles:
   View on line>>     Download>>    2010-8-23 0:00:00

HASA Newsletter 201004
From the initial preparatory stage, HASA has been strongly supported by China’s central government and Shanghai government and has been given valuable instructions. On April 23rd, 2010, HASA successfully organized the ceremony buffet to celebrate the setup of the drafting committee. Scores of drafting committee members gathered together merrily and expressed congratulated HASA for the successful accomplishment of initial preparation. The celebration also remarks that HASA has started to schedule and implement HR professional activities. In order to widely represent HR practitioners’ wills, HASA will have more founding members join the preparations and operations of the organization. According to the feedback from previous meetings, the preparatory committee of HASA have consulted founding member representatives and reported to the governmental monitoring organ of HASA preparation – Pudong New Area Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) Investment (PAEFI/PAEDI).
   View on line>>     Download>>    2010-5-1 0:00:00


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