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HASA Newsletter 201501

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Humble Opinions about Paradox of Talent Management for MNCs in China
Date:2011-02-13Author:张臻 (Kevin Cheung)Category:Talent Management Source:HASA Keyword:Talent Management 人才管理
Local employees may feel uncomfortable when you express with straightforward attitude. The Mandarin language provides an interesting example of this culture. As a high-context language, direct verbal expression may cause misunderstanding and be impertinent. Backgrounds, scenarios, tones, and body languages are indispensable to avoid confusion. Therefore, logics, causes and the whole reasoning process are necessarily to be presented before the conclusion is delivered to convince the audience. Westerners may have to notice all those related elements to understand what the speaker really means. It is sometimes misunderstood as a behavior to conceal something or waste of time under western cultural environments. Typical westerners are very direct to express conclusions, however, it is often considered impatient and arbitrary in China.
Affected by economic growth, core values are being transformed in China. Quick and forthright behaviors mean result-oriented. Utilitarianism is no longer a shame. While the living tempo is becoming faster, frivolousness are growing rampantly as well. I was once asked the cultural features of Chinese employees. A mixture of commercial objectives, reinterpretation of traditions and retrieve of core values could be the answer. “Stability and commitment need revert to the theme of people’s life”, a university professor says. Down-to-earth attitude lays the foundation for sustainable improvement and ensures the quality of business operations. Long-term and visionary business strategies for China markets will no doubt be the most powerful approach in the competition for human resources.
3.2 Interpersonal Relationships
In western countries, private relationship is restrained within circumst
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