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HASA Newsletter 201501 |
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Company Health Welfare & Tax Preferential Policies

企业健康福利与健康险税优政策解读分享会 卫生部曾对十个城市的上班族健康状况进行调查,结果显示处于亚健康状态的员工已占48%。在日益激烈的市场竞争中,员工承受的压力增加,由员工健康问题引发的企业健康风险增加和成本上涨问题如不能得到提前预防、妥善解决,将导致巨大的财务支出。有效的解决方法,企业HR在员工健康福利管理上不断探索和实践,帮助改善员工的健康状况,降低企业风险并提高人才留任率。 企业健康险税优政策发布后,怡和汉深收到许多HR关于健康福利和税优政策的询问:“企业如何运用健康福利和管理项目投资员工的健康?什么方法既让目标员工的需求得到满足,又能有效管理HR财务成本,实现双赢?企业和员工如何享受国家税优政策红利…?”面对此类问题,来自中国人力资源同业公会会员单位怡和汉深的企业健康福利管理顾问吕佳(Jessie Lv)将通过实际案例与您分享企业健康福利管理和成本管控创新思路,解读税优政策最新动向。 The Chinese Ministry of Health has ever investigated the health situations of employees across over 10 cities, and the report shows that the ratio of sub-healthy employees takes 48%. While employees' pressure are increasing in fierce competitions, if the healthy risks and cost caused by employee healthy issues can't be prevented and solved in advance, that will bring huge financial expenses. HR professionals keep seeking for effective solutions and practices of healthy welfare maangement, in order to help improve employee healthy status and talent retention, and reduce company risks. After the tax preferential policy for health insurances was newly published, JLT has received quite many inquries from HR about healthy welfares and tax preferential policies, like "How employers should invest employee health through healthy welfare management programs? How we make it a win-win solution to satisfy employees' demands and well control financial cost? How employers and employees are entitled to the bonus from the government's tax preferential policies?..." Who should join? Owner/GM/HR Head/C&B Head/Benefit & Insurance Planner  | | | | 中国人力资源同业公会 | 怡和汉深 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Jan. 20th, 2016, 14:00-17:00 | | | | Mandarin Oriental Hotel, No.389 Tian He Rd. Tian He District, Guangzhou | | | 企业负责人、人力资源负责人、薪酬福利经理、员工福利保险项目负责人 | Owner/GM/HR Head/C&B Head/Benefit & Insurance Planner | | | | | | | | Discussion about Health Management and resources allocation solutions for health welfares | | 15:00-15:30 | 企业健康险税优政策解读和实践建议分享 | Explanation of tax preferential policies for health insurances and practice sharing | | 15:30-15:45 | 休息和交流 | Tea Break | | 15:45-16:45 | 健康管理方案实际案例分享和讨论 | Practice sharing about health management | | 16:45-17:00 | 现场问答环节 | Questions & Answers | | 报名/Sign Up: | 1. | 如您是公会会员,请在本站登录后,于下面报名表中报名。 | | | If you are a HASA member, please log on and sign up below. | | 2. | 如您不是公会会员,请直接于下面报名表中填写报名信息。 | | | If you are NOT a HASA member, please fill out the following form directly. | |
Registration Date:2016-01-10
Event Location:
Mandarin Oriental Hotel, No.389 Tian He Rd. Tian He District