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HASA Newsletter 201501

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the 1st Preparatory Session of HASA Held Successfully
Date:2010-01-16Author:秘书处 SecretariatCategory:Global HR UpdatesSource:HASA Keyword:HASA Governance

On January 15th, 2010, HR Directors and VPs of China or Asia Pacific region from over 20 world-famous corporations gathered together with authoritative experts from reputable institutions to discuss about the topics such as the construction of HR standards and systems, the development of local Human Resource Management, the founding of Human Assets Standards Association (HASA), and etc.. The conference was held by Mr. Kevin S. Cheung, the Director General of Executive Committee, Human Resources Commission of PDI. The conference started with a brief speech from Kevin, who elaborated the development of current society, the situation of HR industry, personal development for HR professionals, organizational culture and economic environment. Kevin also suggested the feasibility of establishing HR Industry Standards. The attendees offered their opinions one after another.

The participants believe that:
After the financial tsunami in 2008, the structure of industries have being adjusted in a global range. In this process, the room, pace and strategies for many companys' development have been adjusted as well. What HR should do to cope with the new trends of global economy? In terms of strategy reengineering, HR management should be the critical factor.
Society of HR Management in US (SHRM) has started to design the international HR standards. Along with the guidelines and policies from overseas headquarters in multinationals, are that criteria applicable in China or AP region? For local companies, they want to expand their business to outside of China. Are the philosophies and approaches match the international practices? For foreign companies, are they able to localize the overseas methodologies

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