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The Implications of Growth on Talent Management
Date:2010-08-19Author:Anne-Marie KontakosCategory:Talent Management Source:Cornell University Keyword:Talent Management
take it upon itself to strategize and plan the match between employees and supervisors, and at the same time provide outlets and alternatives for employees who experience a poor match. Spending time up front to plan and develop these relationships saves an organization from the tremendous cost of losing top talent in a time when talent is scarce and competition is fierce. Organizations should focus on their current employee population as a key resource for supporting growth in the organization. Focus on employee retention can be the most cost-effective strategy in ensuring the organization has the talent that it needs to manage growth in the future.


The growth agenda has direct implications for HR and how the function will be able to manage and engage their talent, entering and leaving an organization. All organizations have a captive audience of key talent at their fingertips, their current workforce. Emphasis on employee development, deployment and retention will provide a strong internal foundation of skills and abilities to support the growth of the business. HR can provide the processes, training, and tools to support the workforce, but the real power of creating a retention culture that attracts and keeps top talent lies in the hands of leadership and the current workforce. In order to address remaining skills gaps, HR must recognize and address the changing demands of a new generation of employees with more than just money. In order to ensure that organizations have the talent to sustain growth, HR should focus their efforts in creating long-term wins rather than short-term gains.

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