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HASA Newsletter 201501

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Using Coaching as a Leadership Development Tool
Date:2015-07-14Author:Helen AttridgeCategory:Organization DevelopmentSource:ALCN Keyword:Leadership, NLP

Executive coaching is a huge buzz word in today’s business circles. As Fortune-500 companies seek new ways to gain an competitive edge in a ever-changing global business environment, they are utilizing coaching both as a tool to help leaders succeed in their own goals and objectives as well as way to equip leaders to be effective as they work with other employees.

Additionally, leadership coaching is a critical tool for organizational change. Change is essential for organizations to grow and adapt in today’s rapidly shifting marketplace, yet people and organizations are naturally resistant to change. Adopting an effective coaching culture within an organization can help facilitate productive change in individuals, teams and business processes by assisting both management and employees as they uncover their untapped potential. So why is this tool overlooked so often? The answer comes down to three basic points:

1)  A tendency to focus most on the here and now. In a business environment that includes constant change and upheaval, managers generally to focus on essential day-to-day operations and are less interested in longer-term activities with a less certain ROI.

2) Failure to act. Some organizations spend too much time trying to fit employees into specific categories and seldom do anything constructive with these observations.

3) No time. This is one of the most common excuses given. However I would argue that there is always time for important activities. If you believe developing a coaching culture is a valuable managerial function it will be a priority.

I have been called upon by countless c-level executives to help them learn and utiliz

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