Member of HASA Committee of Expertise and Deputy Director-General of Offshore Business. 30+ years' cross-border working experiences as an in-house HR at various hierachies in multiple industries serving a number of well-known multinational companies such as Unilever, B&Q, Sinotrans DHL, Kimberley Clark, and China local private enterprises like Changyou and Minshi. With extensive practices in various modules of human resources function, Bright has strong analysis and planning ability in HR with good interpersonal communication, enthusiasm and energetic. Bright owns abundant experience in professional HR consulting, cross-border HR management and implementation. With seasoned footprint of in-house HR management, he is also versatile at gloal M&A, equity incentive, compensation and benefits, HRSS, digital human resources management and etc. Bright has been serving numerous industrial sectors providing HR consulting and outbound delivery services, including chip, new energy, auto, FMCG, retail, logistics, manufacturing, internet, finance, biopharm and others, out of which there are renowned brands like Envision energy, Canaan, Huayou Cobalt, DHgate, Keenon, Navee, F-Road, LI-Auto and etc. The services he ever conducted cover cross-border HR management, HR share services, C&B system, digitalized HR management, performance and incentive, equity incentive, M&A and integration, compliance & labor rights, HR operations and etc.
中国人力资源同业公会专业委员会委员、出海业务副主任。30余年跨境、跨行业企业人力资源工作经验,包括多家知名跨国公司如联合利华、百安居、中外运敦豪、金佰利,民企如畅游、敏实各层级工作经历。在人力资源各模块有着广泛的实践经验、良好的人力资源分析和规划能力、擅长人际沟通,热情、精力充沛。 周先生具备丰富的国际人力资源管理解决方案以及专业人力资源咨询和实施经验。基于其多年的企业人力资源管理从业经历,他也擅长涉外并购重组,股权激励,薪酬福利,人力资源共享服务,人力资源数字化管理等。 周先生为众多的行业提供人力资源管理咨询及出海交付服务,涉及芯片、新能源、汽车、快消、零售,物流、制造、互联网、金融、生物医药等诸多领域,其中不乏远景能源集团、嘉楠科技、华友钴业、敦煌网、擎朗机器人、坦途科技、方付通科技、理想汽车等知名企业,内容涵盖海外人力资源管理、共享服务、薪酬体系、人力资源数字化、绩效与激励、股权激励、收购兼并与整合、合规与劳权、人力资源实操等。